Friday, October 10, 2008

brand new....

the blog, not the band... though their song 'jude law and a semester abroad' cracks me up. it's comical and painful at the same time. i like when that happens. then i'm not stuck feeling too sad or too giddy to realize what just happened.

i haven't blogged *honestly* in a long time. sure, i put up blogs on myspace, but those are typically heavily edited. i'm tired of editing. i think that i am finished, then. here's to laying everything out there and make sense of things... or just get them off of my chest.

hmmm.... i have a whole lot of white space that i can fill up with whatever i want. maybe today's list of things to do. get gas. it's $3/gall. which is better than the near five it crept up to, but still a hefty tab for a kid like me already struggling with debt. then again, who isn't these days? it's pitiful, when you think of all of the stupid shit many celebrities blow money on.... it's wasteful and ridiculous, and i can't help but think that i would *never* do that with money, if i had it.

i'll probably go shopping at giant eagle, pick up some 'healthy' food- seeing as i'm feeling a bit sluggish and unslim these days.... then i'll use whatever 'fuel perks' points i've earned toward filling up my gas tank. thankfully, i have a great car with nice milage. too bad i've got school and a significant other each 10 miles away from my house. work is easy, it's only a couple miles.

after the grocery store- i'll do my best to get a good workout in at home. exercise bores me. probably why i love bellydancing, ballet, and hooping. they each work the hell out of your body, but they don't seem like such a chore. eventually, those get a bit boring, too. then i wish i had someone to run with... or that i felt safe enough to run alone. the dancing with the stars dvds look like fun, i've always wanted to learn proper dance steps. the 'get hep swing' ads constantly tease me.... how fun would it be to learn to swing? it would tie in beautifully with my appreciation for some 'good ole days' nostalgia.

homework. ugh. i have no desire to do homework. math bothers me. i'm trying not to let a mental block stop me though, just because i've hated math my whole life-doesn't mean i have to continue it. i should really make a better effort to enjoy it. hahahahahahahaha.... as if! the rest of the homework is enjoyable enough. my favorites being psychology and art, betcha wouldn't have guessed it :) i'm a right brain thinker, all the way.

i suppose i should get the day rolling. they seem to fly by faster than i like lately....

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